Sex, Gender and Health Research (SGHResearch) is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of health, published by eUSAL in the framework of the Gender Strategy in Health of the University of Salamanca (GENUSAL). The aim of SGHResearch is to disseminate and promote research that incorporates a gender perspective in all phases of research. The editorial style and policy follow the guidelines of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” as well as the “SAGER Guidelines” for incorporating and reporting sex and gender in study design, data analysis, results and interpretation of findings of gender-sensitive work.
SGHResearch is an open access journal published annually. Articles are published in both Spanish and English and are published without publication fees. The submitted papers are evaluated by the editorial board in a first phase. Those that comply with the journal's guidelines and editorial policy will undergo a double-blind peer review process carried out by external reviewers.